While hanging out at my mom's, I noticed that they had been cleaning. (A lot, like, we used to have shit everywhere, and they cleared out the garage and turned it into a computer room, which is not as weird as it sounds--I mean, yes it's weird, but like, from the inside, it doesn't look weird. I can't believe it took ten fucking years.)
One of the things they found? Our old Pikachu alarm clocks. (I just got SoulSilver, and the GSC generation was my favorite, ever, mostly because of some of the massive upgrades to the gameplay, from friendship gauges to, um, I'm sure there was more. Plus! 16 gyms! How awesome is that? AND NOW IT'S BACK, but this time, if I leave my game alone for years, the little battery on the inside will not try to reset all of my data. Probably. How do DS cartridges even work? And the TL;DR version of this tangent is that I'm back into Pokemon. Hardcore.)
The second hand on the alarm clock does not work. It cannot actually tell time. But! It still has the good morning jingle, which is way more awesome than I remember it being. (Possibly this is because it was the first thing I heard in the morning for much of elementary school. :/)
Supernatural (Spoilers for The Dark Side Of The Moon)
I love Thursdays because of this show. I mean, Thursdays were always awesome because it was the day before Friday, and that's awesome (I went to my dad's on the weekends until I was 18, so Fridays are kind of a big deal).
And I know I like the show for more reasons than much of the fanbase (John Winchester is rather a terrible father. I am okay with admitting that. Still, I sympathize. The music? Is so fucking old. And I love it. The concept? Okay, everybody loves the concept of the show; what isn't awesome about two brothers traveling across the country fighting evil? AND IN A COOL WAY, and not the gay spandex kind of way. Which is, actually, also kind of cool. BUT THIS IS NOT THAT. And most importantly, the boys. I love the banter, I love the soul-selling, I love pretty much EVERYTHING about this show.)
The only thing that could make this better? God being a twelve-year-old girl and bringing Andy back. Maybe also Ellen and Jo, although I think that may almost feel like cheapening their deaths. I am excited for John and Mary every time they are mentioned, and I think they've got some 'splaining to do after Ash not being able to find them, despite Mary's golden light welcoming thing when the boys opened the Hellmouth. (Failed to keep it closed? I don't remember. I should buy the series.)
AND the boys' religious views. Team Free Will? Yes. Dean dissing the concept of Heaven? Yes. (I mean--not Heaven in general, but the creepy, isolated, Matrix-heaven, which, yeah, was totally fucking creepy.)
Naruto (Spoilers for... Everything?)
KABUTOROCHIMARU RETURNS! I know he did that like, last chapter or so, but it's so much more interesting now that he's done more than just show us his creepy, creepy face. PLUS. Akatsuki summonings. Oh, hell yes. PLUS. Naruto got the key to his seal (I totally forgot all about that thing).
I haven't been keeping up with the anime much--my mom said they got back on track with the main storyline? But I'm still way back at the beginning of the filler. :/ I didn't want to be left with a cliffhanger or something every week as new events are revealed. (I know it's filler, but I loved the Three-tails arc hardcore, and while I still kind of hate Sora, and I'm overall not really excited about the faux-kyuubi thing with the fire temple, I still think it was a pretty neat arc, and I hope this one was awesome, because Bubbles seems like a pretty cool guy, and it can only end in tragedy for the poor bastard, seeing as how Akatsuki kind of needs the bijuu inside of him.)
One Piece (Spoilers for manga)
(When Una had puppies, Jezebell named one of them Shank, because my stepdad always wanted a pit bull named Shank, and now that Shanks is doing awesome shit in the manga, I've been calling Shank variations on "Captain Shanks," which is a pretty fucking awesome name, anyway.)
Also: I love Buggy. Totally my favorite useless villain ever. (The crew admires him no matter what he does--talking to THE LEGENDARY CAPTAIN SHANKS like he's nothing special? CAPTAIN BUGGY IS SO COOL. Bahahaha.)
Th-they're going to at least get his body back and have a real funeral, right? *sniff* They've gotta give him a good send-off, right?
Unrelated to fandom (In general anyway, it still pertains to my use of the internet, which is tangentially related to fandom, so it still goes in this journal.)
I have a special squishy wristpad mousepad (there's no point in having a mousepad, I have an infrared thingy, but it's comfortable) and the cat (Devil Cat, eater of bunnies) decided she needed some attention (and I am good at ignoring things while reading/writing/watching stuff/playing games/anything else, I am an excellent ignorer, okay?) so I (naturally) ignored her. SHE CLAWED MY MOUSPAD.
So, now there's this icky gooey stuff that keeps trying to eat my wrist, and all I've got to fix it with is electrical tape, which is pretty good for wrapping around things, but which has like, icky gooey sticky stuff which glides over the hole and still gets my wrist sticky.