Nov 25, 2014 20:44
Holy fuck.
I have disturbed and impressed myself in equal measure plus, hey, KameDa. From Ueda perspective, too. /drool Though I'm having trouble deciding if this Ueda would use the phrase "sick fuck" to describe someone at this point in the story. I think I'm leaning towards no... Seems more of a mid-Koki or mid-Jin thing, not early Tatsuya. It's really important to get it just right. I still haven't figured out who says "We will not play his music." Definitely not late Koki. Too many words. Mid-to-late Jin possibly. Definitely not Junno. Can't be Tatsuya because it's being said TO him. Kame can't say it. I have no clue where Maru is in all this. I'm still feeling him out, deciding who he is in this. I'm still figuring out the order because the only thing I know for sure so far is that Koki is first and Tatsuya is last. So many decisions. But File 01 is most definitely Tatsuya and he's definitely last. The whole boxer thing works best for last. Makes more stuff make sense.
Too much caffeine. Coffee coffee coffee coffee...
Other news not related to spastic writing state, OMG new glasses soon. Stupid things cost more than the exam. Well, okay, the frames are super-cheap but the lenses are... well, super NOT. It occurs to me that the last time I got new glasses, my PARENTS bought them because I was that young. These I currently have are old as fuck and dog-chewed and have a bent screw and are scratched all to hell and back.