Mar 17, 2014 13:38
Well, I'm on my lunch break right now at work. Apparently, the task I was asked to do today has some... issues... mainly being that the spreadsheet is full of wildly incorrect and yet very important information so there's nothing to be done for it. I did a little bit and then, just to justify paying me for getting my ass here at 6 this morning, I've been set to do "busy-work" and whatnot. Normally I'd be like, oh, okay, whatever. But I really wanted to stay up and finish the chapter for TWCC properly, instead of splitting half of it off to the next present!chapter and rushing the end. i mean, you guys still got an update but not the one I wanted to give you.
Ah well. At least there's no work tomorrow. The hubby has a trip to see his friends so he'll be gone Thursday evening till Sunday evening and that'll give me lots of time to write. But when he gets home on Sunday, he gets my full attention for the rest of the day and the next two days which he took off so that he'd still get a few days with me and not just see his friends.
Anyways, the next chapter of TWCC is going to need a bit of tweaking because I've got my point A and my point B and my Point "A and 1/2" but the stuff between "A and 1/2" and B is a bit uncertain. But I will tease you a bit by saying, we're getting ready for the next rescue in the past! Any guesses as to who it will be? I'll nevah tell! MUAHAHAHA!
Except that I will.... when I get the next update to you guys.