Aug 11, 2004 02:54
A: Hey Jenna did'nt we just pass that tree?
J: I think so, they all look the same...THERE ARE TOO MANY FREAKIN TREES!
A: Woodlands Jenna, say it with me....WOODLANDS.
Angie sticking a twisler up Jenna's nose...
A: I want a picture.
J: OKKK! connect with me...
A: HAHA ( getting the camera)
J: oh wait angie, you have to take the pic, the button is on your side (as twislers are falling out of Jenna's mouth)
A: That was fun, lets make twisler jewelry!
J: okkK! picture time!
J: I can't pee at other people's houses, it never seems to work. HAHA.
A: Why is there a lamp in the kitchen? J/W!?
J: i want popcorn
A: ok!!!
J: ( 3 min later) WHATS THAT POPPING NOISE???
A: um popcorn Jenna, popcorn, remember?!
A: Wait, the milk says HOMO????
J: Thats the prettiest duster I have ever seen...EVER!
A: Yeah, It's festive! hahaha!