
Jan 24, 2006 17:03

It's funny that several friends have already done this today; I'd written an entry to the same effect earlier, but my computer crashed & I lost it. So now I just look like a copycat. But...okay.

My Flist has gotten bigger than I'd ever planned for it to be over the past few months. While in many cases that's been because of some great new additions, I also notice that there are quite a few inactive journalers/commenters on my list, as well as some folks who've been around for years & yet we really have nothing in common or rarely talk. Soooo....I'm doing that irritating "you must prove to me you are worthy!!!11one!" thing. No, actually, I'm just trying to keep those who want to be kept, and let anyone else off the hook without drama or angst. And I'm changing my filters, too, so this seemed to be a good time to do it all.

If you want to stay on my Friends List, tell me so. Just comment. Leave a comment, or just a comma, or a percentage sign, or an expletive, or a picture of a cow. Whatever you like. I have no wish to hack anyone who does not wish to be sliced & diced. If you do not comment, no harm done, no hard feelings etc., and fare thee well. I'll also be changing the list of hott_otp to reflect that of this journal. If you want outta the boring day-to-day one but wish to stay with hott_otp, say so. Or vice versa. Or whatever. Again, s'all good. God, this is complicated.

You now know what to do. Cheers.

[ ETA: First cut = 17 people. If I've cut you wrongly, please let me know! Otherwise, I shall carry on. ]


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