Mar 20, 2007 17:43
so thsi satursday they camed and shoit some stuff fer muh next big movie.
*huff* yuo guys know, you guys, taht i wanna be a big star and stuffs.
i feel i entitled to it cuz i so cool and muh frends luv me and i a nice person what always there fer peeples unless i gots something butter to do,.
neways, so they shows up and theys all these peeple i dont know butt they heard of me cuz i am famous on teh intarwebs tubes and then they all stand around and want me to do stuff?
WTehF? i know sum kinda monkey what does what you tell me two just cuz yuo say it make me famous. i should be cuz i am awseums! thats how it works, yuo guys.
so they tried and tried butt i knot do what they wanted so they wrote some other stuffs and Raul gots some personal foot age he gunna add or sumthin.
beeng famous is hard work.
so to get us to have a good time Raul gots some nip,.
i fergot how much i needs teh nip, yuo guys. soemtimes muh edge gets dull and in order to declaw muh edge again i need to sharpen it up wiff sum nip.
then they shot that two which is like, invashun of muh privaties.
if i dont get famous from this, i gunna sue.