Ima's Application

Jun 11, 2005 12:45


name: Ima
age: 13, turning 14 on June 21.
location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
sexuality: Straight.
relationship status: Single.
read the rules? Love me for inner beauty.

top 5 favorite bands/groups/singers:
01. RJD2
02. Maroon5
03. The Beatles
04. The Hives
05. Linkin Park
top 5 favorite movies:
01. Memento Mori
02. Lord of the Rings trilogy
03. Etre et Avoir
04. Eternal Sunshine
05. Mulan
top 3 favorite books:
01. A Novel by Edgar Allan Poe
02. Harry Potter books
03. Catcher in the reye
favorite actor(s):
Elijah Wood, Ian Somerhalder, Ashton Kutcher, Leo Di Caprio
favorite actress(es):
Liv Tyler, Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchett
something about you that's rather interesting:
I can speak Old Latin and Old Greek! And I'm 50% Maroccan.
tell us about your friends:
My best friend is Sophie. I met her like, 2 years ago, and it clicked immediately. We have the same lame sense of humour, and the same taste in music and movie's. But that's not really important to me, to have the same interests... I have a lot of friends who are interested in the opposite things I'm interested in. I love it to meet new people and to make new friends, so that's why I go on a teen summer camp every summer.

how do you feel about these topics... and why?
religion: For myself, I don't really believe in any religion. My mother is Muslim and my father is Catholic, but I didn't grow up with a religion. I have respect for all religions, though. Especially for Hinduism and Budhism, because I think it's wonderfull how people can live in peace and enjoy all little things of life.
teen pregnancy: I think it's absurde. Teenagers should not be getting pregnant, they have to go to school, they go out, they work. They can't take care of a baby, I think. It will ruin their youth. I know three teenmothers, and one gave her daughter up for adoption and the other two girls gave their baby's to their family. That's wrong.
abortion: I don't think that killing an embryo is right. An embryo is a human, just like you and me. If you're too stupid to use a condom or forget using the pill, isn't that a reason to kill. But I think exceptions can be made for women who are raped, because they had no choice to do anything against it. So, if it's your own fault, I think it's wrong, if not, doing an abortion is 'ok'.
drug use and abuse: People really have to do what they want and they may use what they want to use, I think. I ain't gonna stop them. You can't stop people from using drugs. I'm against drugs like XTC, I hate cigarretes, but I don't think weed and alcohol are that bad. (I don't drink and I dont smoke, though. I think I have to wait another five years or something.)
gay marriage: OK! I support gay marriages. My uncle's gay, and my neighbours are the first married gay couple in Europe. If two people love eachother, no matter if they're straight or not, they have the rights to marry eachother. What's wrong with that?
suicide: I can't believe people do it. They have no idea what they do to their family's and their friends. It's dumb. So many young people kill theirselves because nothing's going on like they want to. That's wrongwrongwrong!! That's NOT a reason to kill yourself, think about the people who love you!
quitting school: Don't. No education is a bad job is less money. I don't care about money, though. But I prefer to work somewhere nice my whole life then I have to be a cleaner for fourty years.
eating disorders: I've knever knew anyone who had an eating disorder, so I don't really know how it is in real life. But the story's I've hear and the articles I've read about eating disorders are terrible. In The Netherlands there aren't a lot of people who have an eating disorder, and there are a lot of clinics here, so it isn't a *huge* problem here. In the country's where it is a huge problem, they should do more checks on high schools and spread more information about it. Not only to teenagers, but to their family's too, so they can notice if there's something wrong. A lot of people blame the fashion magazines and shows because of their skinny models, but I don't think it's possible to let the skinny models dissapear from the catwalks. I think they should introduce some beautiful models in the fashionworld who aren't not too skinny, just average girls. Maybe that would change something?
self-harm: Please, don't! I hate it when people cut theirselves and when they're doing things to hurt theirselves. I think the most people do it for attention, but that doesn't make it right. Those people are having serious problems and they should get professional help.

have you ever
cheated on someone: Nope.
lied to someone you love: Yes.
watched porn: Nope.
stolen something: Yes.
kissed someone of the same sex: Nope.
thought about suicide: Not really.

promote this community somewhere, and give us proof:
were you referred by someone? or found our community posted in another journal/community? if so, where?
I was searching for a rating community and found this one... In a promoting community, can't remember which one.

post atleast two, no more than 4, pictures of you. clear pictures.

P.S. I know my English isn't really good. :|
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