Sep 23, 2011 23:41


Can someone tell me how to make sweet sweet love to Haven right about now? LIKE, I know it's probably impossible what with Haven being a tv show, but if I could I would rock your world.


They kiss..OH i'm sorry did you not hear me? SHE KISSED HIM. SHE KISSED HIM.

FIRST she hugged him..THEN she kissed him. ALSO, note the SOUND that came out of his adorable mouth when she hugged him.

Did other stuff happen this episode? I didn't notice.

I did notice that they finally bought Duke a second shirt (3rd if you count the pokadot one I try and forget), and my RL BFF said the funniest thing as usual--oh look they can afford to buy him a shirt but only two buttons LMAO. I now ship Duke with that shirt.

Dwight/Duke stuff awesome..when Duke first starting freaking out I was like, he looks like he is gonna shit himself--then he turned into superman..i was kind of aroused-which didn't help with all the Audrey/Nathan glory.

So like I can't express myself..I'm TOO overwhelmed by my love for HAVEN-this couple..they are magical butterfly entrails of wondrous splendid baby farts. I'm gonna patten that, so don't steal it. Well you can steal it, but people will give you the look you want to give me right now.

When the show ended i turned to my friend and was like, so you're welcome to stay but I'm gonna rewatch all the Nathan/Audrey stuff and it's not going to be pretty. She told me to have fun being crazy. Dear Adrienne, if you are reading this FUCK you for telling me to watch HAVEN. & go fuck yourself for telling me Nathan was my new Jack. I could have been normal and now I'm insane. BTW, fuck you means thank you tonight. It's true, google it.

Haven Fangirl BBs, I love you all-this show is so great hopefully we'll get another season to geek out at each week-it is goodtimes.

I am trying to make a few haven gifs tonight because I will be MIA until Sunday. Going to see my beautiful nephews tomorrow in a very HAVEN like New Hampshire town. Prepare yourself for Sunday, for my plans include forgoing a shower..it's just gonna be me, in my pjs, making 3 million HAVEN gifs. PLEASE be kind and leave links to your HAVEN art in my TUMBLR ask box so I don't miss anything tomorrow. XOXO, lots of love and crazy <3

OMG i almost forgot scenes from the next one--HELO IS DUKE'S DAD..we have come full circle obsessions. THEY ARE IN LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

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