
Nov 21, 2011 22:33

So the trip consisted of me and nine friends hiring a house down the coast and staying there for a week. Far better than camping, and really close to the beach, with no adults. The place we stayed at was Lake Tabourie, but to get there we had to drive just over two hours.

Took us four.

The view as we drove

Of course, this was because we stopped for lunch in a town called Berry. Lovely town, very nice buildings and the best lolly shop I've seen in years. About the halfway point of our trip.


One of Berry's buildings, and a shot from inside the lolly/ice cream shop.

Then there's the nearly city... This is Ulladulla Harbour- two minutes from the CBD.

I must admit, the actual lake wasn't as nice... This is Lake Tabourie


Fun to kayak on though, if a bit smelly.

But then there was the beach- the one you can see a bit of in the picture on the right. Beautiful, although unpatrolled so we swam at our own risk.

However, we spent most of our time at the beach exploring Crampton Island- which we renamed Mordor. One of those island you can walk to, except at high tide, we would simply walk the ten minutes to get into Mordor whenever possible.

Mordor. Or Crampton Island. Whichever.

It had an awesome view from the top of it:

...Yeah, my camera isn't the best. Hope the view comes through anyway!

Of course we did our own cooking- and experimented a bit. Here is a pizza with an entire packet of cheese on it (750g), and possibly pineapple... no one managed to find it. Tasty though.

I was just glad there wasn't chilli in it...

We actually spent most of our time playing video games and just hanging. One day, we spent hours playing Buzz Jungle Party (in French when no one speaks it) and ended up with a tie.

Final photos (the rest have my friends in them and I'm not willing to post those without permission) is of the river across the road. Leads into the lake, and while not safe to swim in, was quite fun to kayak in.

Not exactly the prettiest river, but so very close.

Somehow though, I have a dozen pictures of myself or pictures I couldn't have taken... It's very odd.

Right, who stole my camera while I was sleeping?!

many photos, my life, you're probably not interested...., going away~, exams are over, doing it right, my life is awesome, holiday

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