Happy Star Wars and Pirates Day

May 25, 2007 09:08

This day 30 years ago George Lucas made the biggest impact on every child of the 80's. Every boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker blowing up the Death Star. Every girl wanted to be Princess Leia. (Except me, I wanted to be Luke if that makes any sense. I really liked the green lightsaber in RotJ.) Chewie was my favorite from the time I saw him. What's not to love, a giant teddy bear that can rip a man's arms out of his sockets. Beautiful. We had terms like jedi, x-wing, TIE fighter, red 5, lightsaber, and the force permanently etched into our memories. And the mother of all geeky phrases end every conversation with. Say it with me, "May the Force be with you."

And finally we get some pirate action! I've been in withdrawl. Must have pirates. I know it's going to suck but I'm not going because it's Shakespeare. I'm going because it should be fun watching Johnny run around like a drunken buffoon with adorable witticisms. "Why is the rum always gone?"

And eight days until the wedding of emlovessnoopy and Mike.

pirates, wedding, movies

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