Feb 15, 2007 08:48
I'm beyond exhausted and I want to go home right this moment, but being that it is 8:00 a.m. I think I'll stick around for another 7.5 hours and then head to class before passing out. Putting this all aside, it was a perfect evening and I probably wouldn't have changed a thing... well maybe the crappy weather.
After work, I ran a few errands before meeting Melissa at Second Cup. We chatted about everything and waited for Jimmy to call. When he did call, I failed to mention which Second Cup I was at and he goes to every one except the one I'm sitting in. I felt bad because I should have mentioned I was on Metcalf and not Sommerset or Elgin; (El-Jen!!!) however, he did find me and all was good. We headed back to his place where he cooks pork chops stuffed with apples and a side of veggies. It was delicious; however I was a little skeptical when I saw the apples. While we were eating and listening to Norah Jones' new album (which I love!!!!) we decided on skating since he thinks that if I don't skate for more than a day, I'll turn into a pumpkin. The weather was crappy but I don't say no to skating... EVER! We skated on the canal for a bit before turning around and going back to his place and warming up until 1:00 a.m which is when I finally got my cold self out and back to Barrhaven. But during those 3 hours before he drove me home, we just layed there in each other's arms and talked about everything including how you loose some of your independence after you get married. He said he'll never want to give up any of his independence and really neither do I. Which got me a little worried about our future, but this morning I just told myself to take it one day at a time and not to worry about anything like that.
He finally dropped me off when I get went home and passed out and obviously didn't want to get up this morning. And I get to work to find out I offended a nurse. Before I left, I was waiting to talk to a co-worker who was talking to a nurse. When they were done, the nurse looked at me and I told her I needed to speak to Anne. Then I joked that I never talk to nurses. Well she took it that I think I'm better than the nurses when in reality all I meant was that I don't deal with nurses because of the work I do. Now she's all upset and I have to apologize. Some people just need to chill and stop taking everyting so literally. ugh I'm going to work.
Love Always