Nov 03, 2010 12:42
lara returned to us in a simple but lovely cedar box, with a little plaque bearing her name, and our names too. they glued it shut, which i guess i understand. she's currently sitting on the mantle, and whenever i go to turn the mantle lamps on or off, i try to say hi, put my hand on the box, or somehow create a physical energy exchange. i look over at her all the time. the house still feels empty and unbalanced, but it is nice having her home.
we didn't end up going to the halloween faire; they cancelled the pavilion set up due to threat of rain and after that i sort of lost momentum. but we have the winter feast to look forward to! that should be fun. halloween was mellow, i cooked and we watched movies. not many trick or treaters, which was sad. all around mellow.
we finally sat down and walked/talked through the wedding budget, which was a huge weight off my shoulders. the core wedding costs - the things that NEED to happen - are the venue, the food, and the cake. these costs will be covered by our housing tax rebates. the extra wedding costs - the things that don't need to happen but really should - are things like outfits, invitations, pictures, etc. we'll need about $3,000 minimum to get dressed and pretty things up a bit, and about $5,000 if we want to serve booze and actually decorate a bit. this, while not a small sum, is still not an unreasonable amount of money, and we're going to figure out how to obtain it in a week or two.
on the 19th we're going to meet with Andrea, the Pelican Inn event coordinator, and start the actual, serious, we're-doing-this dialogue. finally. we're not thinking about things too much until that meeting, but after that meeting, it'll be Wedding Planning Time. for realsies, yo.
my friend derek told me about an iphone app that takes you from sedentary to running a 5k in 9 weeks. it involves exercising 3x weekly, for 30-40 minutes, and provides instructions when to warm up, when to walk, when to run, and when to cool down. essentially, it's foolproof interval cardio training, and i've already done 2 days! i am so glad we set up the treadmill. i have not jogged since high school, and i find i still don't like doing it. however, when interspersed evenly with brisk walking, it's not so bad. i'm already seeing, and feeling, a difference; beyond the stiffness of muscles that haven't been used in years, my body is very happy to be up and moving again. human beings are really not designed to sit still. i have no expectations of myself beyond completing the 27 day workout schedule - it's ok if i don't jog the entire 60 seconds, it's ok if i can't run 5k when the schedule is complete. all that matters is the exercising, and the stretching, and the feeling that my body really is going to rebound and be healthy. priceless.
love kittie
st. gyles,