Jan 22, 2008 15:34
i don't hate change. i don't often like it, but i accept that the nature of the universe is change, and therefore i cannot hate it.
i do hate my inability to cope with change gracefully. i'm great at being supportive and practical when someone else's life changes, but when i am confronted with a sudden change of direction in my life, i don't do well for a day or two.
this can occasionally apply to good changes, but more often than not, it applies to the practical or negative changes.
i've tried all sorts of things, and i can usually manage the sudden onset of stress fairly well, but it really does take me a day or two to calm down and/or sort through my thoughts thoroughly enough to the point where i can put the anxiety behind me and proceed with figuring out the next step(s).
i suppose it's good i can work at not letting it get to me... better than just flying off the handle or whatever... but i still dislike the fact change gets to me. i wish i was more of a water or air sign... but this capi's hooves are firmly rooted in the rock.
this all relates to work, by the way. this spring is going to be stressful. there are changes afoot, and there's only so much i can do to affect them... i don't feel like actually getting into it right now, but things are ok -- just stressful.
still... i like LJ for this reason. gives me space to work this stuff out.
love kittie