Oct 29, 2007 08:28
SO Friday night was awesome. Went to Roseland Ballroom to see Paul Van Dyk with Michelle...what an awesome rave. Here is the rundown of what happen:
6pm: Took the train from Poughkeepsie to Grand Central
8pm: Arrived at Grand Central. Went to hail a cab and some dumb bitch ran in front of us and stole it. Michelle almost punched her.
8:30pm: Arrived at roseland ballroom. 1.5 miles later and $30. Got in line, one of the first, to get in. They tell us it will only be a few minutes.
9:30pm: They let us in. We are fucking soaking wet. It's pouring all day, we have no umbrella and are just wearing short sleeve shirts and pants. Fucking cold. The first DJ starts to spin...don't know who it was, some unknown. Got a few drinks (at $9 a pop). Met up with Paul (my boss, lol), his brother Dan and his girlfriend Lisa, Jana, Pat and Sarah. Got our drink on.
11pm: Dancing around on the dance floor. I love techno, you can dance like a fool and yet it is still applicable. Some guy was getting jerked off behind Paul on the dance floor. Couldnt stop laughing about that one.
12am: Paul Van Dyk starts spinning. By got that was amazing. Smoke and lights and unbelieveable beats. We party it up.
3:30am: Find Paul amoungst the crowd. He's about to bounce. We are too (the rave goes until 6am). Michelle and i leave, and since we dont want to pay for another cab we decide to walk back to Grand Central...the 2 miles it is. We walk through Times Square.
3:45am: We find someone's cell phone. She calls it. We wait outside the Hersey Store to give it back to her. Michelle gets a hug from a littel asian girl in a cat woman costume.
4:15am: We get back to Grand Central, after many encounters with strange foreign people and drunks. Unfortunately for us, our train isnt until 6:20am and we cant even go inside Grand central because it is closed until 5. We hang around outside, get hot dogs and some weird old Irish man invades our personal space.
6:20am: get on the train, oh thank you god. At this point we have been awake for about 27 hours straight. We barely stay awake the train ride home.
9am: get back to our house. go to sleep, sleep until 6pm.
It was amazing and i'm looking forward to the next one.