choirs, politics and hair (f bomb alert)

May 09, 2006 11:30

I am so fucking pissed. My oldest, who is proclaimed to be at the top of the choir and a real pillar of the soprano section, did not make the cut into the 9th grade center's choir. Another anomolous absence is the current soloist. Two of the best and brightest in the choir didnt make it, while kids in the quarterly choir took their place. The difference, my child has black streaks in her hair, and the soloist has blue hair. The choir requirement states that to perform in the concerts and contests, the hair must be of a natural color. My daughter's hair is a natural color and the soloist dyes it brown for contest and concert. If they are in the top 3 currently how is it possible that, if they wer bumped, that the rest of the section didnt get bumped. Seems screwy to me, but she doesnt want a fight, she is going to practice and take lessons and try out for the high school choir next year. Makes me proud, however, I think that the societal acceptance of modern styles needs t obe updated. I have always encouraged my daughter to be herself and to move to her own beat, and now she gets punished for it. Oh, i just found out that not a single person with any variance in hair style made it through the vocal talent choir audition, odd.
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