Second Firefly - [Action/Voice]

May 18, 2011 01:18

[Even though it's late at night, Seto is on top of the third community building roof top, staring at the bright white moon that's high up in the dark sky.  It looks as if he's almost in a trance.  He's sitting on the edge of the wall, his legs dangling down though he shows no sign that he's afraid of falling at this height.

He reaches over to grab ( Read more... )

+minako, +giles, +alexei, [voice], +jin, +terra, luceti, +crow, +roji, [action]

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[voice] magicwarding May 18 2011, 22:54:47 UTC
[And this kid is pinged by something completely different.]

Did you...did you say "ghost"?


[voice] presumablyalone May 18 2011, 23:12:37 UTC
[Ah! The new voice startles him since he didn't think anyone would answer but he responds happily]

Yeah! My friend Sai is a ghost.


[voice] magicwarding May 19 2011, 18:09:04 UTC
[Roji is actually somewhat floored by this. Sure, he's met people who were friends with a ghost, but ghosts can only keep control of their mind for so long...]

Seriously? ... What's she like?


[voice] presumablyalone May 19 2011, 18:57:55 UTC
Uh huh! Hm...well she can act like a mother sometimes and other times she's like a kid. [He chuckles a little] She's also really smart!


[voice] magicwarding May 20 2011, 19:53:36 UTC

Um...I apologize if this sounds a bit harsh, but she's never...attacked you at random or anything?


[voice] presumablyalone May 20 2011, 20:30:35 UTC
Attacked me? [What an odd question] N-No, Sai would never hurt me...she tries to protect me more than anything.


[voice] magicwarding May 20 2011, 21:04:25 UTC
[Roji mulls over that for a moment.]

It sounds like ghosts are totally different in your world. They sound...a lot better.


[voice] presumablyalone May 20 2011, 21:21:29 UTC
A lot better? [He pauses for a moment] Are the ghosts from your world like entities? They're the mean ghosts in my world...


[voice] magicwarding May 21 2011, 03:02:32 UTC
Entities, yes. But they're just one of the many kinds of spirits in my world.

Mean? Grudges, then? They're entities made from hate.


[voice] presumablyalone May 21 2011, 20:42:00 UTC
Oh, so you have them too!

[He nods] Y-Yeah! They're the ones that attack you in my world.


[voice] magicwarding May 22 2011, 06:27:45 UTC
Oh, so you do have ghosts like that... [He looks a little distressed by that.] Though, I suppose every world has its fair share of hate, unfortunately.


[voice] presumablyalone May 22 2011, 07:19:38 UTC
[Seto quietly wonders if this boy is from his world, just in a different country...he does have the same ghosts after all] I guess's very troublesome...B-But at least there are some that are good too!


[voice] magicwarding May 23 2011, 22:12:39 UTC
Mhmm! [He mutters that almost halfheartedly. A pity that ghosts cannot stay that way forever. At least, in Roji's world.] I wish my world had more of them.


[voice] presumablyalone May 24 2011, 01:52:53 UTC
[That makes Seto frown a bit] Is your world full of more mean ghosts than nice ones?

[It makes him sad to hear that someone else has been going through similar experiences]


[voice] magicwarding May 24 2011, 14:32:24 UTC
Yes. [Oddly enough, Roji smiles a bit.] However, if there weren't, I would be out of a job, and I don't think I could imagine myself doing anything different than helping people who are troubled by spirits.


[voice] presumablyalone May 25 2011, 21:14:50 UTC
[He's able to perk up a bit, at least Roji's a kind and caring person] I'm glad to hear that you like to help people. You're very nice.


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