Second Firefly - [Action/Voice]

May 18, 2011 01:18

[Even though it's late at night, Seto is on top of the third community building roof top, staring at the bright white moon that's high up in the dark sky.  It looks as if he's almost in a trance.  He's sitting on the edge of the wall, his legs dangling down though he shows no sign that he's afraid of falling at this height.

He reaches over to grab his journal and opens it, taking a moment to glance at the moon one more time before speaking into it]

Isn't the moon beautiful?  Even in a different's so big and bright.  At home, I would always be alone when I looked at the moon.  I-I mean I did have Sai isn't the same with a ghost.  I've always wanted to talk about it with someone...

Oh!  I hope I didn't wake anyone up... I better close this [And with that, he shuts his journal.

It's not exactly midnight yet, but if you're still walking around this late, you can look up to see Seto looking up at the night sky but feel free to go onto the roof of that building to pay him a visit.  He'd love the company]

+minako, +giles, +alexei, [voice], +jin, +terra, luceti, +crow, +roji, [action]

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