Second Firefly - [Action/Voice]

May 18, 2011 01:18

[Even though it's late at night, Seto is on top of the third community building roof top, staring at the bright white moon that's high up in the dark sky.  It looks as if he's almost in a trance.  He's sitting on the edge of the wall, his legs dangling down though he shows no sign that he's afraid of falling at this height.

He reaches over to grab ( Read more... )

+minako, +giles, +alexei, [voice], +jin, +terra, luceti, +crow, +roji, [action]

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[Action] likes_shinies May 18 2011, 05:26:59 UTC
[Looks like Seto's not alone on the rooftop. From behind him, Crow speaks up in that teasing tone of voice Seto should be well acquainted with.]

You sure like talking to yourself.


[Action] presumablyalone May 18 2011, 05:30:03 UTC
[As Seto goes to set down the journal, he jumps and almost drops it over the edge but luckily catches it. Jeez, don't scare him like that. He turns to give Crow an angry pouty look]

I-I wasn't talking to myself...


[Action] likes_shinies May 18 2011, 06:19:12 UTC
[He chuckles a little at Seto's jumpiness, taking a seat next to the boy at the edge. Scaring Seto might just be his new favorite thing if it's this amusing every time.]

Sure looked like it to me. [Crow leans forward a little, noticing the journal.] Oooh, wait, you were talking to your book, right?


[Action] presumablyalone May 18 2011, 12:41:23 UTC
I wasn't... [He watches Crow take a seat next to him, smiling since now he has company. He nods]

Uh-huh, I was talking into the journal. Though I think everyone is asleep so I'm not sure if anyone heard me. [You could say that Seto is quite the night owl]


[Action] likes_shinies May 18 2011, 14:58:31 UTC
Heh. Sleep is for the weak. [He says as he leans back, resting on his elbows.]

So you... like the moon huh?


[Action] presumablyalone May 18 2011, 15:55:27 UTC
You really don't sleep, Crow? You don't have a sleep mode? [He frowns a little, staring at Crow.

His attention then turns back to the bright moon] I do...I love the moon. It's so beautiful...


[Action] likes_shinies June 21 2011, 09:27:36 UTC
Yeah, I guess I just kinda shut down at night if it gets too boring. [Think of it like when your computer falls asleep. Energy saving, ftw!] But I never really felt sleepy until my battery started dying. [Or that sluggish feeling is the only thing he can really relate to being sleepy.]

[He gives the moon the same attention, smiling leisurely.] The moon was my only friend for a while. Big, nice, shiny...


[Action] presumablyalone June 21 2011, 23:51:28 UTC
You can make yourself shut down? [Don't ever do that around Seto, he might panic and think you ran out of battery. He frowns, remembering that moment] Y-You looked really sleepy...when I saw you...

[His smile returns] It was mine for a while too...


[Action] likes_shinies July 13 2011, 00:29:29 UTC
Mmhmm. [He nods.] I might've been doing it without knowing it all this time... [A thoughtful expression crosses his face, but he breaks it with a small grin.] The worst part of that time was not being able to see you, I think.

Hey, by the way, I didn't actually see that you'd kept my ring. [Crow leans towards Seto, expectantly.] Show me.


[Action] presumablyalone July 13 2011, 00:54:28 UTC
Then that means you could've woken up back at home?? [This makes him pretty hopeful. But the frown returns, on the verge of tears] No...The worst part was watching you die...

O-Oh! [He holds up the locket and opens it, taking out the silver skull ring so it shines in the moonlight] I always keep it with me!


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