Dec 04, 2007 23:45
Went in for an interview today at the Best Western Hotel and Convention Center. I didn't get out until an hour and a half later.
Met up with someone named Clare, the HR specialist, and she got me to fill out the "offical" application forms which took about 20 minutes. After that, she took me into a room and did the traditional pre-screening questions that lasted for another 20 minutes. Just when I thought it was over (and judging by her facial expressions made me feel like a successful candidate) she told me that she wanted me to meet the front desk manager, Casey.
I walked through the back offices of the hotel and it was so mortifying because it was absolutely hideous. It was nothing at all like the front offices, that's for sure. I described them to my sister as the same type of offices the Vancouver Aquarium had for the trainers and research specialists that kept in close contact with the animals. You expect a dirty, mildew filled room full of crap everywhere because they are in and out with the animals all the time. From a hotel...not so much.
Anyways, my second interview with Casey was a bit odd. He wasn't prepared for me at all -- didn't even know what my qualifications were and had me sit there in front of him for 10 minutes while he looked through my cover letter and resume. He printed some sheet from his computer and the instantly starting firing questions at me. Some of them were so random. Do you play any video games? What sport do you dislike the most? Do you think all people should be treated equally? Which do you prefer: rain or snow? Of course there were the typical interview questions like what's your biggest weakness, explain a time where you failed...blah blah blah...but the pace of the interview was so quick. It was just one after another.
The thing that bothered me the most, however, was the fact that the hotel is unionized. He went through the process of explaining to me about senority and shifts and whatnot and from the looks of it, if I were to get the job I'll be entering into a shithole for about 8 months before I hit greener pasters. I mean, c'mon, 8 months of graveyard shifts? I have never been a big fan of unions but I thought I'd give this one a try...however after talking with him about it, it just reminded me of all the bad things that come along with it.
I know I shouldn't really worry about it until the job is actually offered to me, but I can't help but feel like this isn't where I want to be. And it makes me nervous that maybe I'm throwing away the opportunity because of my ridiculous standards. I should just take this for what it is: a stepping stone.
But anyways, not a different note. My weigh-in date was Sunday and I'm down 5.5 pounds. Hooray!