Friday Stress: Confessions of an Introvert

Jul 17, 2009 15:02

Friday is not supposed to be stressful. I'm supposed to be happy that tomorrow I don't have to work (and I don't have to teach) and I can sleep late and wear pajamas all day and read cheesy Japanese comics.

However, my friend wants to go to this artsy-fartsy dance performance with various other artsy-fartsy events tonight. I want to stay home and translate. *sigh* Well, to tell the truth, if she had invited me to go have dinner and see the new HP movie, I'd happily agree. But, for this, I'm going to have to get semi-dressed up, put on make-up, be friendly to strangers, and come up with intelligent things to say. I don't want to do that. I want to be sloppy and moody and have someone entertain me... and, I mean, the kind of entertainment that doesn't "make you think." Is that wrong? I've been accused of being "intellectual" and, worse, "aristocratic," but, at heart, I just want to be comfortable and average. At least, just for tonight. If I have any brain power left after working all week, I want to use it for translating, not conversing with people who, with the best of intentions, will be trying to impress me with their scintillating intellect.

Okay, so I'm assuming the worst here. Maybe that won't happen. Maybe her other friends won't show up. Maybe I won't have to talk or think or be friendly. But the chances seem slim.

This is kinda like going to the gym. It probably won't be so bad once you get there, but, beforehand, you just think, "Ugh, do I really have to work out today?"
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