Aug 01, 2006 02:00
Oh, my god. I heart Chuck Jones cartoons. I can't even believe how long it's been since I've seen one, but man. The awesomeness is too much for words. A looooong while ago Marc and I were at Tower browsing through their cheap-o DVD bin, and Marc picked up a cartoon DVD of Rikki Tikki Tavi (+Yankee Doodle Cricket). Now, the cover of it showing Rikki was SUUUUPER cutesie/cuddly looking, and of course I was like, "Aaaaww!!!! *hughug*" But, being the bookworm that I am (and having had Rudyard Kipling crammed ably down my throat by my older Literati sister), I did recall reading the Jungle Book, and it seemed to me that Rikki Tikki Tavi was not a particularly good story to make into a childrens cartoon. Lots of the blood and the guts and the baby killing, etc. SO I was skeptical. And ambivalent. And at the time I really didn't get why Marc was so insistent that we buy it. But, hey, who am I to say no to a supercute cartoon mongoose? o_0
Flash forward to tonight, as I'm battling the latest bought of insomnia with a mountain of candy wrappers littering the table before me, and the big book o' cast-off DVDs Marc left me with (after he picked through and took most of the good ones..) and I come across that adorable fluffy wuffy animated mongoose face again. We never did end up watching it after we bought it. So I popped it in... and was BLOWN AWAY by the Chuck Jonesy delight of it all. Hehe! I didn't actually see (as it does in fact say on the cover) that this DVD is just chock full of the C.J. goodness. I am much gratified. And my stomach hurts from all the delicious delicious candies. Wee!