(no subject)

Jan 10, 2009 00:34

So I went to the doctor today as I ended up being sent home from work due to throwing up at work. I was dizzy and nauseous pretty much all week and so I went to get checked out. Apparently the doc had seen 5 people or so people with the same symptoms and thinks its just a virus that is going around. She is concerned that I may have some problem with my inner ear though. I have had dizzy spells since I was like 12 and have issues with balance. I also have been getting ringing in my ears and my hearing is iffy at times. so she is trying to figure out if I should be referred to an Ear, Nose & Throat doctor to get my ears thoroughly tested. I find out in Feb. I believe to what is going on more.
My bloodwork also came back and my bloodsugar/glucose levels are normal currently, and my iron is in the low-normal range. But isnt an issue. My allergen levels are way off though. So that might be tested more. My cholesterol is good though and so is all my other blood work so Woot. :P
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