Jeremiah Davis was born on January 11 at 1:28 am. He was 7 lb 0 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. After two nights of false labor and 12 hours of real labor at home, we went to the birth center thinking that my contractions were five minutes apart (actually got much closer together really fast). The midwife checked me right when we got there and I was already fully dilated! So she filled up the tub, I got in a started pushing. So our little boy was born only about two hours after arriving at the birth center. Labor and birth was so much more intense than I had ever imagined, but I'm so happy we were able to do it naturally without any interventions at all. The water birth was really nice and I only had a first degree tear.
I can't believe how amazing this little guy is. He immediately and drastically changed our lives. The first couple weeks were super difficult for us since we had a ton of problems breastfeeding. But we're now getting in the swing of things and really enjoying this time.
Thanks so much for all the support that this community provided throughout our pregnancy!
x-posted to jan2012 babies, natural birth