Last week's ultrasound has officially led to a diagnosis of "fetal macrosomia", meaning giant baby. At almost 34 weeks, my little boy was estimated to weigh 6lbs 3 oz, with a 99th percentile head.
My midwives have been wonderfully non-panicky about this development, but did offer lots of natural techniques to "help avoid going post-dates", including accupuncture and evening primrose oil. They will not pressure me into a medical induction, and don't see a suspected big baby as a reason not to have my planned homebirth. Because my midwives are awesome, the course I take is entirely up to me.
I just need to decide what's the best course of action. Nothing? Natural induction methods once I hit 37 weeks?
The research I've done online suggests that ultrasound diagnosis of macrosomia is
pretty inaccurate, and that medical induction leads to an increased C-section rate compared to expectant management. Still,
I'd be lying if I said the idea of birthing a really big baby at 42 weeks didn't worry me at least a little.
I'm a fairly small person (5'4") with a negative gestational diabetes test, healthy pre-pregnancy weight and appropriate weight gain during pregnancy (30 lbs at 34 weeks). I'm 100% sure of my dates, and have no risk factors, other than a tall husband and a male fetus. This will be my first baby. Due to a suspected kidney problem in the fetus (long story, everything's fine) I've had a lot of ultrasounds this pregnancy, and he has been measuring huge since 20 weeks.
At the moment, I'm leaning towards allowing one more ultrasound at 36-37 weeks, and keeping up the raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil (orally for now, internally starting at 36 weeks) and acupuncture starting next week. I'm less sure about whether to accept the stretch and sweeps that my midwives will offer starting at 38 weeks.
Your thoughts, and any links to relevant data about macrosomia or the risks of stretch & sweeps would be appreciated. TIA!