I posted yesterday (OMG WAS IT ONLY YESTERDAY?)
here. I thought all the helpful people who commented & read the post might appreciate an update.
I got to the hospital at noon yesterday. They declared I was in active labor, 4cm dilated, with contractions coming every 3 minutes. Fast forward to this morning-- everything was exactly the same. I've had contractions for 48 hours now, about three minutes apart for the past 36 hours, very painful for about the past 12 hours, but since nothing was really changing they decided I would be happiest just continuing at home (OH GOD AM I EVER. I hated being at the hospital). They said this could be a day, or it could be a week or more. My contractions are close together and very painful already but nothing is really happening. I'm 4cm, 70% effaced, 0 station, and in a holding pattern with contractions every 2-5 minutes.
Has anyone else been in this position? I'm sure it's not uncommon. They did say I did the right thing by coming in, but in my case it just didn't pan out. They weren't really clear on when I should come back, though. I think they weren't really sure either.
OMG how much does that penicillin IV burn?? I am not looking forward to having to do the penicillin regimen over again.