Sudden Possible Change of Plan...

Oct 20, 2011 17:11

So I've been going to a midwife this whole pregnancy. I'm 40 +2 today. I did The Bradley Method as my birth class and have been very keen on my weight gain, health and protein intake. Followed the Brewer's Diet fairly closely. This is also my first child and I'm pregnant with a little girl. Everything with baby is perfect so far.

About a month and a half ago they did a finger stick on me to check my iron. It was low at a 9.8... I was stumped because I've NEVER been anemic before! And I have no "typical" anemic symptoms. I don't get headaches EVER unless I've spent some time in the sun. My energy is great. Most days I don't even nap at this late in the pregnancy! I still do most of my chores around the ranch... Even when they checked me around 20 weeks it was nice and high. So they recommended I try taking Floradix to get my iron level up. I tried a sample they had there in the office and then headed over to Sprout's to buy my own bottle. By the time I got to Sprout's I had one of the most awful headaches of my life. I don't get headaches often so I assumed it was from the Floradix. I had it for HOURS afterward. Even after eating, drinking more water (I drink between 2-3 liters a day). I finally took some Tylenol and it went away. So my midwife informed me to go off it. I picked up some Liquid Chlorophyll instead and used that for now. At my next week appt they did a CBC and my level was up to 10.9 (they want at least a 11.7 or 12). So I picked up some Liver Tablets as well. I've been watching my calcium and caffeine intake around the time I eat things for my iron to help with absorption and I take in more Vitamin C during the time I take my iron.

My main midwife who owns the center is gone this week and her backup will be assisting me should I go into labor before she returns. This is fine with me as I have met her and trust her completely. What scared me this morning after touching bases with my stand-in midwife, is she mentioned they had been discussing my iron issue and if it wasn't up by the time I went into labor, I'd be going to a hospital. I FREAKED, needless to say! I'm 40+2 and could go at any time and now I'm faced with maybe having to change EVERYTHING? Their backup hospital should I need to transfer in case of emergency is nearby but since this wouldn't be an "emergency", I'd have to choose which hospital to go to instead...

So I've been running around stressing all morning trying to look at hospital c-section rates and finally found one I'd prefer to go to if I must... I went into the office today and demanded a current CBC so I can know where I'm at. Its been almost 2 weeks since my last test and I'm nervous what my levels are now. I'd just be a lot more comfortable knowing what is likely to happen should I go into labor soon...

I really don't know why I'm posting this. Maybe advice? Support? Anyone else had a sudden surprise toward the end you really weren't prepared for?

Thanks ladies...

hospitals, birth centers, anemia

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