Oct 12, 2011 17:24
Should I be concerned about what seems to be hot flashes? I'm 18+3 and a couple of times this past week I've been just getting OMG hot all of a sudden. It IS still in the upper 80's here in TX and I know I'm not drinking as much as I should some days. But like today, I was watching my son in gymnastics and sweat was literally rolling off of me. By the time I got home, my shirt was completely saturated. I asked other moms if it was hot in there (they said it was a quite warm) but nothing like what was happening to me. I also don't have a/c in my car. But on Saturday, I was going to some garage sales (it was extremely humid that day) and walking a lot and it happened then too. I don't know if me getting hot is being exaggerated by being pregnant, or if its really a cause for concern. Last time I went in my BP was perfect and its my only symptom when it happens (except for being thirsty).
Concern or no? I go back to the OB on Monday.