Miriam May
7lb 12 oz, 19.75"
A week ago today at 6pm, my water broke. I was sitting on the couch (brand new couch, i sat on a thick comforter in fear of ruining it), and i felt a small gush. I stood up, grabbed my crotch with both hands and waddled quickly to the bathroom. By the time i made it, everything was soaked. My husband said I just peed myself and I told him that isn't possible as my bladder is so squished there is no way I could possibly pee that much. Contractions started a half an hour later and were very regular and mildly painful. I called the midwife and she said I can go to the hospital whenever I feel like it and said it might be a while.
We went to the hospital an hour later. I knew I was already at least 3cm and 85% effaced and the contractions were coming on top of each other. Once there, they put in a hep lock (IV hookup without the IV.... hospital policy to have at least that) and hooked me up to the monitors. After 20 minutes, they unhooked me and allowed me to move about.
Around 1130pm, things were getting insanely painful. The midwife said she won't check me until I felt "pushy", but I just HAD to know. I was told I was only 5 cm and 100% effaced. I just about lost it. "Five centimeters?!", I thought. "That means this can go on another 5 hours!!!" (i remembered reading that you dilate 1 cm per hour on average). The nurse suggested I get in the shower and have my husband hold the shower head on my lower back. Willing to try anything, I agreed. The pain was making me delirious. I couldn't think. I found myself pushing involuntarily with each contraction. After 45 minutes in the shower, I got out and the nurse called the midwife in to check me. The midwife seemed annoyed, saying I was overreacting and couldn't possibly be that far. She checked.... I was 9cm. Ten minutes later, I was fully dilated and ready to push.
I didn't want to be on my back, but there I was, unable to change position. I pushed on my back for 10 minutes before I came around and realized what I was doing. I had the nurse, midwife, and my husband help me into a kneeling position on the bed. I hung my upper body over the birth bar that was installed onto the bed. I was allowed to push whenever and for however long I wanted to. I averaged about 2-4 per contraction.
The pain was unreal at this point. I could feel myself stretching... burning... tearing. I was vocal but remained pretty quiet. I felt like I wasn't present anymore and my body was taking over. During crowning, I bit my arm in an attempt to redirect my attention. I still have a bruise today from that. I reached down, felt my baby's head and that gave me the motivation to give it my all. I pushed harder than I ever thought I could.
At 1:10am, Miriam ("Miri") was born. She cried within a couple seconds of coming out. I let go of the birth bar and fell back into the bed. Miri was placed on my stomach. I thought for sure I'd cry upon seeing her, but the entire experience felt so unreal. I was in shock. After a little baby-mommy time, she was moved to a table to be examined. My husband moved to that corner of the room with her while I delivered the placenta and was sewn up. Afterward, I got to hold her and I fell in love instantly. She was 19 3/4" long and weighed 7lb12oz.
As for how I'm doing, 6 days later and I'm only 6 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm amazed at how quickly my body is bouncing back. I'm still sore, but it's getting much better with each day. Breastfeeding is challenging as I'm dealing with cracked/bleeding nipples and oversupply/engorgement. I didn't get a proper latch until 2 days ago and my nips are paying for it heavily. She eats well and she's already back up to her birth weight (only lost 2 oz).
belly pic comparisons...... 1st one taken 3 days before her birth (9 days ago), 2nd taken TODAY!