Jul 07, 2011 10:02
I wanted to thank each and every person who commented to me the other day. I am still pregnant (40w6d) and yesterday I had an NST and was sent to L&D for a high blood pressure read. Every single doctor, nurse and resident I saw said there is NO REASON for me to have a repeat c-section and a VBAC is what is BEST for me and the baby. They also said if need be I can be induced and they will do a slow pit induction with a balloon Foley. They really restored my confidence and I loved them so much. Such a great bunch of nurses, residents and doctor.
The doctor on call from my office also agrees with my birth plan and sent me home because my BP resolved AS SOON as I got into triage of course, she looked excellent on the monitor and my labs looked good. lol He thinks babies should come when they are ready not when they are "over due".