May 26, 2011 02:14
Well, after 39 weeks of pregnancy and several doctors supporting my decision to try for a VBAC, I suddenly find myself subject to the scare tactics and pressure into a repeat c-section. I had an ultrasound today and baby girl is estimated to be 9 pounds, 15 ounces (with a 23 ounce margin of error). So, that means I could have an 8 1/2 pound baby or (heaven forbid) 11 1/2 pound baby. I'm tending to think that she's probably around 9 pounds. My son was born at 9 pounds, 6 ounces, at almost a week past his due date.
Anyway, I've been saying all along that I can tell she is big, and now that the doctors have their "proof" that she is, they are trying to schedule my repeat c-section, which I'd really love to avoid. The problem is, they have me second guessing my decision, and making me wonder if maybe I really CAN'T have a VBAC. My son was posterior, and although I was successfully induced with him, I couldn't manage to push him out. He was just too big, and the poor positioning really hurt me (literally and figuratively). So, I'm starting to think that maybe I just make babies that are too big to come out vaginally, even though I know that's probably not 100% true.
So, I'd love some encouragement... whether it be a successful repeat c-section story, or someone who has been in a similar position and was able to have their VBAC. I've known all along that there was a good chance I'd end up with another c-section, but that doesn't mean it's not disappointing to think about. And it doesn't really help that my husband is in favor of the c-section, because he hates the element of uncertainty and would rather have the delivery scheduled and know exactly what to expect. Me on the other hand, all I can think about is that I'd really love to consider a third child some day, and can't imagine putting my body through three c-sections. And, I am obese, so the surgery comes with increased risks for me. I just wish there was an easy answer!
Still hoping for spontaneous labor to start, so at least I'd have a better chance at a VBAC attempt... but baby girl seems nice and comfy right where she is. :-/
size of the baby