Apr 07, 2011 16:41
Tuesday i went to see my specialist. At 22w 3d, my lil man was measuring at 15oz. The doctor said that he is a little small, but right on target with other gastro babies. Everything looks good as of now...good amount of fluid, bowels don't look like they have been irrated from it either=)
Wednesday, I met with our pediatric surgeon and a neonatologists from the NICU. I feel much better after meeting with them. They both seemed extremely knowledgeable and confident that they can handle what ever comes there way. The surgeon went over all the different scenarios that could happen, and how it would be handled. He then told me that gastroschesis has been rising over the years for unknown reasons, but he has lots of experiance because of it. ZHe also told me that he doesn't reccomend me going past 37 weeks. Right now, my doctors are hoping that I make it that far. I guess we'll see what happens.
I got a tour of the NICU and where I would be staying while my lil one was in the hopsital. I was also very happy to hear from the neonatologists that there is a very good chance that I still would be able to breastfeed=) I would pump from the getgo, and they would use my breastmilk in the babies tube. After a while, they will set me up with a lactation consultant to help me try to actually breastfeed.
Overall, I feel confident that my baby will be in the best hands<3
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