Cloth diapering, Flip Day Pack vs. Econobum

Apr 05, 2011 16:10

I am pregnant with my second and due on April 13th. I had thought about cloth diapering this time around, gotten really excited about it then was put off by the initial cost and we moved and blah blah, I just assumed it'd be easier to use disposables. Now that things have calmed down and I'm thinking about the cost again, I want to cloth diaper. We're essentially broke right now and I'll be asking for BRU gift cards for my birthday (which also happens to be my due date). In the meantime, I would like to get a small supply of some cloth and use those and disposables while we build up a stash of cloth.

Well, I've been reading the reviews on the BRU site for Econobum and the Flip diapers. Both come in sets for $50 and both have excellent reviews, but I was wondering which ones you would recommend. Have any of you used both or either of these? Pros? Cons?

One review mentioned having to use a special detergent when washing, what kind of detergent are they referring to and is it necessary? I'm almost out of detergent and was planning on making a CostCo/Sam's Club run soon anyhow, can I use detergent from there to wash these diapers?

Thank you!

x-posted to parenting101 

diapers - cloth

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