Mar 22, 2011 20:19
Looks like I kinda screwed up.
My ex-doula was supposed to give us a condensed childbirth class next sunday, and now that shes not my doula anymore, shes already booked up through the end of april. Bad news for me, because I checked at our hospital and the next time they offer their condensed childbirth ed class is april 9, which is way too late. We'll have a baby by then.
Also, other than being at the end of "The Pregnancy Bible", i've not done a lot of preparation. That was what my doula was supposed to be for. I started hypnobabies around 30 weeks but then certain people made me feel ridiculous about it and werent supportive, so I gave up.
Yesyterday, my momin law did her best (for the 3rd time) to cinvince me to schedule a c-section. She's had 5 kids, including 2 vaginal, the rest c-sections, and swears that her planned c-sections were "her best births"...she mentioned how the recovery was better for her, she knew exactly what was going to happen when it happened, and how it didnt make her "loose" or "mess up her body much"...i've given up defending my vaginal birth, i just let her talk, and wait until shes done.
I feel like i'm going into this soooooo unprepared.
38 weeks, 4 Days.
dealing with family/friends/others,
childbirth education