The saga continues

Mar 22, 2011 14:37

Every time I visit the perinatologist, I think it's the last time, and every time they tell me I need to come back.

In the past four weeks, my cervix has gone from 3.4 cm to 2.5 cm to (today) 1.5 cm. The peri tells me that I'm 80% effaced and that this means I'm definitely at risk for the baby coming early. He'd like me to get two more weeks under my belt before I deliver so he's upped the degree of bed rest.

My OB, on the other hand, told me at my last visit that she often has to section women with short cervixes, women who efface early, because they don't dialate or else they go overdue. She thinks it's not really an indicator of preterm birth.

I'm curious whether anybody here has any anecdotal evidence about who's right, here. Did you efface early? How soon did your baby come after?

[33 weeks.]

bedrest, dilation/effacement, cervical position

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