Feb 20, 2011 08:37
I feel like I'm carrying twins! I'm super early on (6 weeks), and i just have this overwhelming feeling that I am. My question is--how will I find out? I keep reading about how at the dating ultrasound they'll find it, except I only ever had one ultrasound with my daughter, at 18 weeks. I know right when I conceived, I am clockwork regular on periods, so I doubt there's any need for a dating ultrasound.
I'm curious as to whether anyone knows if having a feeling, a big fat positive (explanation: I had a faint positive on the day my period was due, and the next day it was a big fat dark line, which could mean nothing, or it could mean the numbers were jumping), and enough bloat (it's probably bloat) to feel like I need to look for prego pants already is enough to have my OB to check anything? I'd be really sad to have to wait till 18 weeks to find anything out.
Anyone who knows someone who had twins or who has had twins, how were they detected in the real world, not the one where everyone gets a dating ultrasound, lol? Is it likely that I'll need to wait at least until 12 weeks for the Doppler heartbeat check to see if we hear two? I'm probably wrong but I'd like to know sooner rather than later.
subsequent pregnancies,