Looking for VBAC doctor

Dec 27, 2010 13:52

Hubbie and I are currently passively TTC.  (Not using condoms anymore, but not charting yet)

My first was a C Section in April 2009.  I am interested in attempting a VBAC for baby #2.  My current OB/Gyn says that I am a good candidate for it, but the practice he belongs to will not allow him to participate in one.  Basically, he told me that he would help me with it, but only if I went into labor on my own (before the scheduled c section) while he happened to be at the hospital & I gave birth before his shift ended.  He legally can not state that this is our plan, and it's 99% likely that I'll just have a scheduled C-section if I stick with him.

I am looking for a doctor in Houston, TX who will perform VBAC in a hospital setting.  Anyone out there receiving prenatal treatment from such a doctor?

vbac, doctors/midwives

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