Apryl Lily Born december 17, 2010 9 pounds and half an ounce. 20 inches long.
Apryl decided that being born was the last thing she wanted to do as we found out.
I was 41 weeks and 1 day when I went in for my induction. I had a choice between induction or continuing pain in my pelvic region from a not pregnant related issue, and frequent testing at the hospital which is far from me and I don't drive.
I went in at 7 in the morning and my midwife put the cirvadel in me at about 9 30. At that point I was between 1 and 2 CM. During the day I relly didn't notice much change until around 6 pm when cramping and contractions started to get heavy. I ended up some how knocking the cirvadel out of place when I went to the ladies room. I came back and was checked, but had not progressed at all.
They hooked me back up to the moniter, and they became concerned when Apryl's heart rate was not coming down from the 180 to 190 range. They gave me an IV of fluid and after about an hour and a half it started to go down. This point was around 9 30. my pelvic pain was still there and excruciating since they had me laying in one spott. They then checked me again once Apryl's heart rate went back down in to the normal range. At this point I had gone to 2 to 3 CM. My midwife came in because of the heart rate issue, and told me that I'd have to stay at the hospital and we could either do more cirvadel with Pit or just do Pit. She said at that point she wasn't sure about how much longer they'd want Apryl in there. I ended up giving in to all I hadn't wqanted to do when I came in and took the pit, and an eppi so I could sleep since at this point I'd been up for quite a while and things seemed like they'd be a while yet and I couldn't move thus making my pelvic pain hurt more than my contractions. I had this done around midnight and dosed on and off for the next few hours.
At about 5 I woke up though the contractions were beginning to come closer together and I was excited to get things moving. They had started me very slowly on the pit, and were upping it every half hour or so. They had me to about 13 though, and then the issue happened.
Apryl's heart rate started to drop in to the 80's. She would do that then go back up then slow way down again. It freaked me out. They called my midwife to come check me to see how much further we had to go, and I had not progressed at all.
They stopped the pit for a bit and her heart rate went back to normal, so they tried it again very slowly. The more they added the contractions would come, but her heart rate would start to flat line out and not give them any variability. I had the option of having my water broken and possibally having an emergancy c section if it didn't work or put her in more stress, or to take me off all the induction medications and go in for a c section in 2 hours.
I chose to go with the c section where I knew that I could be awake and allert. I cried a bit afterword because I felt I had failed at giving birth to my baby, but I know that Apryl herself could not tollerate the labor, and that was stopping my body from bringing her in to the world.
When they brought me to the surgical room everyone was really good about talking me through what was happening since I couldn't see what they were doing. They were all taking bets on whether I was having a boy or a girl, and my midwife and husband stayed by my side the whole time.
My little girl was born at 10 58 listening to Rudolph the red nose raindear.
I got quite scared soon after she was born because she wasn't crying. It turned out that there was like no fluid left in me, and she had maconium in her lungs. They suctioned her, and then my midwife took my husband to the nursery to hold her while they did the shots and all they needed while I was stitched up.
I wanted a natural child birth and in the end didn't get that, but I have my beautiful little girl and in the end that's what matters most. I'm just so glad that I chose the hospital I did. There was allot of contriversery about me choosing a place so far away from me when we have closer hospitals. The care was great though, the hospital was small, but had a great caring staff. I felt like a human not a number, and they gave me so much support I know I may not have gotten else where. I do want to put pictures up for you all, but do not know how to use photo bucket so if a list mod or someone who can edit the entry allows me to email them some pictures and is willing to upload that would be cool.
cross posted to due date community