Sep 27, 2010 20:28
Hi all. I'll be 29 weeks tomorrow. This is my first baby. So far I've had a great pregnancy. I say great because even though I've had a rough first trimester, everything was normal and has been normal since.
My question concerns pain in my upper abdomen. My midwife told me that it's normal to have pain there once the uterus really starts stretching. She said a lot of women have the pain on the right side because the uterus is pushing on the liver, which doesn't move. It's pretty much a constant pain (bending over is always a fun experience) and the area at the top of my abdomen is tender. She told me to take Tylenol for the pain. Maybe it's me but I never feel like Tylenol and similar meds do anything for me. I've tried icing the area to numb so I won't feel so much pain. The cold seemed to make the pain spike. I also tried putting a warm heating pad on it. Just like the ice, the pain seemed to spike. So I'm asking have any you guys experienced this and found some relief?
Thank you.
aches and pains