Aug 28, 2010 12:49
occasionally i get ocular migraines... i don't get them as often these days because i started to pinpoint that i was mainly getting them if i drank anything with artificial sweeteners in it, like fake lemonade or powerade, etc. or anything with a massive overabundance of sugar in them like sodas made with actual sugar.
since getting pregnant i've had about... five or six, i think. at first i thought they were because i was dehydrated or maybe my blood sugar was low or something, but then i woke up this morning and had a migraine within five minutes of getting out of bed. very frustrating because i just had one wednesday night and my eyes hadn't even fully recovered yet... :/
do any of you get ocular migraines? did you start getting more of them when you got pregnant? were you able to pinpoint a few things that were more likely to bring them on?
i'm a little sad because my nausea isn't bothering me much today so i was looking forward to having a pretty good day :(
vision issues,