Jun 03, 2010 00:01
Okay, so I've been scheduled an induction date of June 8th (Tuesday). And I'm kind of freaking out about it. And I have a few annoying questions and hopefully I can get some answers to calm my nerves?
A) How long were you in labor for with induction? How bad did it hurt?
B) Any words of advice to help make it easier/go faster? Anything I should know?
C) How often does induction lead into c-section? Was it your experience?
I'm sorry if this comes off as a worry-wort type thing, I'm just so scared and nervous. Which is natural.
And can I ask a silly question...
-- Any tips for breathing during the pushing stage? I didn't take classes... do you just hold your breath and push as hard as you can?
41 weeks.
failed induction,
pain of childbirth,
surgical birth,