Very worried...

May 13, 2010 19:32

Hi everyone,

Just got back from a big doctor appointment a few hours ago and am having some pregnancy complications.  It's really long, mostly since they told us a lot of stuff and it's still all swimming around in my head, and I'm hoping to get some support here, or experiences if you guys have been through this, etc...I'm 26w3d.

I needed another ultrasound after my 20-week ultrasound in order to find baby's right kidney.  On the second ultrasound, they found her right kidney, but the doctor also found that the ventricles in her brain are slightly enlarged, out of the normal range.  He referred us to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist in the same hospital.

We saw the maternal-fetal guy today for another ultrasound to take a look at the brain.  Went through the ultrasound, and then had to sit down in his office with him, his nurse, and his student doctor.  He had a bunch of the U/S pictures up on his computer and explained that they were looking at that part in the center of the brain.  It should measure 10 or less (not sure of unit of measurement) and baby's is at 11.

He went on to say that there is a 90% chance it is nothing--just how her brain is and no complications.  However, there is a 10% chance that it is due to a chromosomal defect, an infection (CMV or toxoplasmosis), or structural defects.  He said we would be getting a fetal MRI, and strongly recommended an amniocentesis to rule out (or in) infection or chromosomal defects.  My husband and I talked about it for what seemed like forever and eventually decided to do the amniocentesis.

Now we have to wait a week to find out the chromosomal + infection stuff, and from there will go onto the MRI.  I'm terrified that our baby will die.  Have any of you gone through this?  Do you have any input, or maybe support?  This is terrifying to us--it's our first baby and we never expected so many complications. 

Thank you so much


fears and worries, amniocentesis, complications - baby, ultrasound

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