Feb 20, 2010 08:37
Well. We are having a girl. Although we should be thrilled, the appointment went badly and our good news was shrouded by some confusing information.
I really didn't care what "team" we were on, aside from "team healthy." However, that might not be the case. Aerilyn has two soft markers for downs, from what we were told.
Our ultrasound lasted for 1 hr 15 minutes. The first marker was a bright spot on the heart. As I have heart disease, and this requires that I get an ultrasound of my heart about every 6 months or so, I've known what a heart looks like and should look like on an ultrasound since I was about 6. When the tech had the heart on the screen I knew something was wrong with the bright spot. Now I know it isn't really her job to give me bad news, but I knew what I was looking at, I told her I knew it looked bad and I asked her what was wrong and she told me "Nothing! *smile* Everything looks great!"
Everything went downhill from there because I knew she was lying to me.
When it came to looking at things in Aerilyn's tummy, they took about 30 different stills of her kidney's and measured them every time. This apparently is the second marker. The renal pelvis - the tubes that connect the kidney to the ureter - are measuring "big." The "normal" measurement is 4mm. Her right one is at 4mm, and the left is at 4.4mm. Again, I asked the tech why she was taking so many pictures of the kidneys and she just told me that she couldn't get a good picture. Ugg.
My OB explained to me that if there is only one marker, he usually ignores it. But since there are two, "something needs to be done." We were told that we needed to make an appointment with a specailist in two weeks who will give us another ultrasound and give us more "hard facts." My OB also said that if the specialists suggests that we do an amniocentisis that we should do it without question.
I'm really nervous and I have no idea what to think. We have no history of downs in either of our families and every test before this one showed up just fine. Also, none of the major signs of downs are present at all. She has a beautiful nose, all of her facebones are there correctly and her limbs are measuring large, not small. The thought of an amnio is also really scary to me.
Waiting two weeks is going to kill me.
Has anyone else been told their baby has soft markers? Was everything ok in the end? Does anyone have any advice? Has anyone had to get an amnio?
down syndrome