Sep 10, 2009 14:09
Hello! I know you're probably sick of seeing these, but I wanted to run my birth plan by everyone. I put it together by looking at ones others have posted along with some weblinks to birth plan generators.
Birth plan:I want my birth to be as natural and intervention-free as possible.
My husband and I are willing to be flexible in our labor and delivery decisions. We only ask that we are given the chance to ask questions before decisions are made and that no actions be taken without our consent.
· Other than medical staff, only my husband is allowed in the delivery room
· I want to be able to walk around and move as I wish while in labor
· I want free access to water and snacks to avoid dehydration
· I do not want an IV
· Please do not offer me any pain medications; I will ask for them if I feel I need them
· Vaginal exams should be kept to a minimum and performed as gently as possible
· Do not artificially rupture my membranes (e.g. stripping my membranes; breaking my water)
· I will NOT consent to receiving Pitocin
· I prefer to have no time limits on pushing (provided baby and I are healthy)
· I want to push in whatever position is most comfortable for me (this includes sitting/squatting, etc.)
· I would only like to push when I feel the urge
· If assistance of delivery is needed please use suction rather than forceps
· I prefer to have no episiotomy and risk tearing
· As long as my baby is healthy, I would like her to be placed immediately on my abdomen
· Please wait until after the umbilical cord has stopped pulsing to clamp it
· Please ask my partner if he would like to cut the umbilical cord
· Please delay all essential routine procedures on my baby until after the bonding and breastfeeding period
· I would like all routine newborn procedures performed in my presence
· I prefer the placenta to be born spontaneously without the use of pitocin and/or traction on the umbilical cord
· If the baby has any problems, I would like my partner to be present with the baby at all times, if possible
· My baby is to be exclusively breastfed (I would like to see a lactation consultant)
· Do not offer my baby the following without my consent: Formula, Bottles, Pacifiers, Artificial nipples, Sugar water
· I would like my in-hospital routine to be full rooming in, no separation, no exceptions, unless my baby is sick
In the event of an emergency c-section:
· Local anesthesia
· Partner present (near my head, behind the screen)
· Breastfeeding in recovery room
No visitors in the recovery room
Am I missing anything? Is this too much? I really struggled to keep it to one page.
What are the odds of me completely avoiding an IV? Also, is there any legitimate reason for them to need to administer picotin?
x-posted to Natural Birth
**edited to spell things correctly. =)
birth plans