40 weeks.

Jul 29, 2008 16:55

Alright, I just got back from my doctor appointment. According to him I am now 40 weeks. It is in his 'professional opinion' that we induce next week... I told him I prefer to wait. He said thats fine if I want to wait but he would recomend doing tests to check on the placenta blah blah blah. Okay thats fine. But then he starts rattling on about in England woman don't induce until 42 weeks but their still-born rate is higher (what??) And Some womens bodies "just dont get it" and never go into labor on their own (double what??) I'm glad he is not PUSHING insuction like he was earlier... but Now I'm disturbed at the crap he has just told me. What is a girl to do? What is this crap about women never going into labor on their own???

(At least he doesn't really do cervical checks, I had one last week and they hurt!)

overdue, placenta - aging, doctor/midwife is an ass, induction

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