I googled my little fingers off but I could only find one entry of Dr. Sear's delayed vaccination schedule. Also, what the heck is "rotavirus"?
Dr. Bob's Alternative Vaccine Schedule
2 months: DTaP, Rotavirus
3 months*: Pc, HIB
4 months: DTaP, Rotavirus
5 months*: Pc, HIB
6 months: DTaP, Rotavirus
7 months*: Pc, HIB
9 months: Polio
12 months: Mumps, Polio
15 months: Pc, HIB
18 months: DTaP, Chickenpox
2 years: Rubella, Polio
2 1/2 years*: Hep B, Hep A (start Hep B at birth if any close relatives or caregivers have Hep B)
3 years: Hep B, Measles
3 1/2 years*: Hep B, Hep A
4 years: DTaP, Polio
5 years: MMR
6 years: Chickenpox
12 years: Tdap, HPV
12 years, 2 months*: HPV
13 years: HPV, Meningococcal (once Meningococcal vaccine is approved for age 2, Dr. Sears will move it there and delay Hep B by 6 months)
Is this correct? I don't have the book but I'm putting together a spreadsheet of a few different schedules I've seen and I want to be accurate. :D
Thank you!