I have my 24-week appointment on Friday (which, to my understanding, is supposed to be pretty routine and uneventful provided that all seems well). However, I'm seriously considering asking my OB to check my cervix. I know that I'll only be 24 weeks along, but that's sort of the point: I wouldn't really be worried about what it was doing if I was farther along. I've consistently had some issues with this, but lately they've seemed intensified. Basically, I'm in almost perpetual pain from my cervix and lower back all day, every day. I can no longer stand or walk around for more than about 10 minutes at a time without being in such extreme discomfort/experiencing such extreme pressure that I have to lay down (which I'm guessing is not the norm). Sometimes lately I get sharp pains and long-lasting aching in my cervix even when I'm not upright.
I'm worried that I may be starting to dilate or efface. This isn't a completely baseless worry: I had an abortion last December and had some complications with my cervix then (basically, it wouldn't open or close correctly and became blocked with blood clots my body was trying to pass, causing my uterus to swell, possible damage to the cervix itself, and the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life). Additionally, I got pregnant with twins about two months after this and I know there's more weight on my already-questionable cervix as a result.
I had my first OB appointment at about 7 weeks and have not been checked or looked at at all since then. I know how most of you feel about cervical checks and the possible risk of infection involved, but I'm wondering if I should request one in spite of this to be sure that nothing is wrong and for peace of mind, if nothing else (I already have some anxiety issues and this has worsened them infinitely). I thought about asking for a transvaginal ultrasound to check my cervix instead, but I'm not sure how my insurance company would feel about that because it was requested and not ordered (could I ask her to pretend as if it was ordered, or do you think she would order one anyway?).
And for your time,
At 23w5d today:
And poor Teresa June, with hiccups and trying desperately to suck her thumb, was thwarted time and time again while the ultrasound tech tried to get a clear picture of her alone by Liana Faith's (pronounced Lee-AWN-uh) ass, looming in the corner and occasionally lashing out viciously to hit her in the face (it was quite epic at the time); 19w6d: