What's new Pussy Cats? Whoa..Whoa...Whooooooooa

Nov 22, 2004 20:46

Figured I should update since I'm a slacker. I read everyday I just never feel like typing. I'm starting graduate school in the spring- EEK! Taking classes necessary to get a conditional licensure in special education for next year. I love my job. It can be frustrating, but I love it. Anyway, have to take the GRE's by the summer. Thank goodness my 3.6 GPA helps with something- I get extra time! Looks like I can get quite a few grants for a master's in spec. ed. Yay for free money!
My role has changed at school though. Our class was dissolved- except for 2nd and 7th period. Mrs. Houston is in charge of vocational training. The kids work at places like Randolph Macon Women's College, Lynchburg Hospital, and this old folk's home. So now, I go to those places and monitor their behavior, etc. and help with scheduling. I also help with the reading program we're implementing to help some of our poor/non-readers learn how to read at least some. It's frustrating because their disabilities make it hard for them to even understand the written language, let alone change it from written to spoken. They have a hard time with vowels. It makes me realize how much we take for granted. I don't remember learning how toread- I knew how to read when I was 3. But, having to teach kids, it's a difficult thing. Especially the vowels because A, E, I, O and U have different sounds.. and silent letters.. all that crazy stuff we don't even notice anymore. These kids are tough though. They keep on keepin on.
In other news- new Degrassi episodes start this Friday. My inlaws are coming down for Thanksgiving. Sam's making Russian Cheesecake and Chocolate Ice Box Cake.. yummy yummy! I can't wait for stuffing, gravy.. all that good stuff!! Too bad having people over isn't like a vacation. I just hope I get well rested before Monday and school starts again! Classes are almost over at Mary Baldwin so finishing up work. College Algebra is kicking my ass- haven't taken math in so long!! Done with my x-mas shopping- got some good deals. Just need to get a couple more things for the sam-meister. He's been working his tooshie off at work- 50- 60 hrs a week PLUS 5 classes! And making good grades! He's too smart for his own good!

Anyway, Happy Turkey Day, y'all! I know some peeps need to come visit me in the Burg!!
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