You have to be fucking kidding me D:

May 08, 2009 15:46

OMG!! I am totally piss off right now, I could burn myself right now

I've just returned to my classes yesterday and now they put them off for the fucking "swine flue" until this monday 18th ....
This's like a nightmare, really... I was really excited about my classes T___T!!!

To make my week worse my ipod is officially DEAD. Today I went to "plaza de la tecnología" here in Guadalajara, and they told me that they coudn't fix it at least they change  the hard disk  and I need to pay $990 pesos (12.87 dollars) for it, even If I love my ipod I think a new one is cheaper than that =(

I am really sad!! I like mi ipod!! and i love it... and I don't want to change it... but when you fix this kind of things they  don't even work correctly again...


bad news, angry, ipod, english post

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