
Mar 27, 2009 22:14

Well as I said before, last week I went to a collage camp, it was my first camping trip and I totally loved it.

I mean, it was really cool 'cause I met a lot of people, it was something really good for me, I had a lot of fun ... It was awesome...

I stayed there from Friday (at the afternoon) to Sunday (at the afternoon)

We did lots of activities, some of them were really wierd, but I liked them all

I wanted to write day per day... but I couldn't take my laptop with me and actually I hadn't enough time to write. haha
but well I'll at least post the pictures here haha

This was one of those wierd activities I talked before
We had to pass for those holes, once hole for each of us haha omg it was really hard
If we touched the strings, we lose

In this one, we had to draw our present and our future  haha
don't ask me why I drew that... I was hungry haha

Liz, Paulina, Saha, Eliza and Nelly <3333

This was my team in the camping, our name "Cheveres" hahaha

Manuel, Richie, Jenny, Luis and Me haha in the bonfire haha ...

Cleaning the kitchen... yes we had to clean the kitchen hahaha (i am the pink one haha)

camping, personal, english post

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