Bad Leslie!

Nov 03, 2006 14:31

So as you have probably noticed, I havent updated in a very long time. Well noe VERY long, but pretty long. I have been collecting things to write, I just havent had time to actually sit down and write them. So I will begin with Halloween, and go from there...

For Halloween I dressed up as a sparkle fairy. I went round and round about what to wear, and I meant to buy a whole bunch of cool sparkle supplies, but due to loads of chem homework I never made it to the store. I ended up wearing my prom dress, a pair of butterfly wings I borrowed from Katy (one of my apartment buddies), and large quantities of glitter. I used every glitter product I could find, which includes: Pixie Dust, Silver Glitter Eyeliner, Glitter Glue (the craft kind, which yes I put directly on my face), and Craft Glitter (that I had used for my mask). I didn't end up wearing the mask I had made becuase it itched, so I just covered my eyes in purple eyeshoadow I borowed from Liz (another aparement buddie) and pixie dust. The craft glitter went on my lips, along with loads of gloss. I painted a heart in glitter glue on my face and I was good to go. I also had a wand that I'd made, which was pretty sparkle tastic. Oh, and all of the shiny jewelery I owned!

So I was all dresses up 8 in the morning in order to go to class. As it turns out, I missed the 'Nobody dresses up in college' memo. I was the only one I saw at that easrly hour that was spirited. So then I freaked out, becuase I honestly thought it was the wrong day or something (becuase that would be so like me). Howvere, i did get a very good response, people really liked seeing me dressed up I guess, they just didnt have the courage to dress up themselves.

The rest of the day was alright becuase as it got later in the day more and more people were dressed up. At luch there was a costume contest that I watched, which had some great ideas. There was this really buffed out guy from the water polo team who was the Coppertone Girl, he was wearing only a speedo, with a paper dog pulling it down in the back. I was fantastic.

At lunch we also attended the pumpkin drop, where they find a HUGe pumpkin, hollow it out, fill it with candy and then drop it from six stories up. Pretty exciting, it made a very nice THWACK as it hit the ground and candy flew everywhere. Worht the 30 seconds it took to occur, including the walk up the hill it took to get there.

The other occurence on Halloween that was fantastic was the Farmers Market. Usually I just browse, occasionally buy Hummus and flatbread. This tuesday I bought three tiny pumpkin things, which are the cutest things ever! also I discovered the samosa men. You order whichever samosas you want, and then they fry them right in front of you, so when you get them they are in a grease stained bag that is so hot you can barely hold it! they are sooooooooooo good. Mmmmm...if you visit me come at lunch on a tuesday. So good!!!

So Wednesday was great bacause I got my movies. I finally signed up for Netflicks, becuase I think I can afford to spend 10$ a month on movies. I got to watch Stick It! Which i'd been wanting to see for a really long time. I love movies soooo much. Plus i'm doing the "free trial" of netflicks, so i'm not even paying for it. I think netflicks was made for college student becuase we never leave campus to go to the video store, and we are generally broke.

Wednesday night was also the first meeting for the Arusha Project, so now I have alot more info. The program will cost about 4500$, but I can get a research grant that will cover all of it. That and if I take so first aide here, and shadow a registered nurse, I can work in a hospital there. Last year a girl worked in a hospital, and she eneded up delievery several babies, becuase there was noone else around. I think that would be sooooooo coll! Gah! So excited. For a reasearch grant I have to fill out a 1 page application, and when I get back I have 5 months to write a two page paper about my ecxperience. And everybody who applied for reasarch grant last year got them, not just from Arusha Project, but everybody in the school. They actually had na excess of money last year so they gave people more than they asked for.

I also found out that since Arusha Tanzania is under the equator we will be going durg their weeked, so it wont be super hot. Arusha is also in the rainforest (it was described as where Timon and Pumba live in the Lion King). Its also a very safe place, they had a pretty stable govt (meaning no civil war) for the last 30 years. Also, its very close to the Serengeti, so we will be going on safari for four days or so. The whole program is three weeks, and you can pick one of three dates to go, so it fits with your schecule. I am so excited. Its been all I can think about!

Yesterday (Thursday) I had my CAT Midterm. It was very...speacial. I think I did alright. The only thing I kinda freaked out about was one of the essays you had to think of a piece of art that you knew and describe it in the term of these three authors. I knew all the authors, I just couldnt think of a piece of art. The art I thought about I either couldnt remeber the title or the artisit, or it didnt really apply to what I needed. So I eventually went with Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper', and ended up sounding rather like a Christian Evangelical. It wasn't so good, but I think I got my point across, which is all that matters, really.

Today has been a bit interesting. Last week my CSE lab was cancelled, so at 9am this morning I had to make it up. Then I had a math quiz (which went well) and soon I have to go back to CSE for the next lab at the regular time. A little to many techies today. I get really annoyed with the TA's becuase they go very slow on the easy bits of the lab, but the little connector pieces that they are used to doing they go really quickly and everyone gets lost. Then they go person by person fixing things and its really slow. And when I get ahead (which they encourage) they wont answer my questions, they just tell me to wait for the class and leading TA (the only one with any people skills) to catch up. I have atarted translating all my web pages into french when I get bored, which throws their little computer oriented brains for a loop. I know i'm being very judgemental and not very nice. I'll work on that later in life....

Anyway, I gotta go...TTFN

Big news: I'm going to Dim um with U. John, Auntie Pinkie and Andrew tommorrow! Yay!!
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